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"_Friday the 13th_ creators couldn't have known what they were about to unleash in the now-infamous Jason Voorhees, and even though _Part 2_ is certainly not the strongest example of the character, it was the first time we got to really see him do his thing, and that's huge. _Final rating:★★★ - I liked it. Would personally recommend you give it a go._"

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"***Serious retread of the first film with some differences*** I'm fan of the "Friday the 13th" franchise even though I’m not a gorehound and only occasionally watch slasher flicks. It has nothing to do with nostalgia since I didn't become a fan until I I saw 1985's "Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning" on TV one night in the late 90s. I think I like these movies because they typically involve young people in a fun camp-type environment in the woods; the presence of an unstoppable killer, "

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"Since I already watched the first film last month, decided in celebration of the day, re-watched Part 2 and still highly entertaining though pretty tame by today's standards. Thought the cast was also a bit better than the first. Still has scenes that make little sense (how exactly did Jason find Alice?) but was fun nevertheless. **3.75/5**"

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